Atlas domain

Randonnée à cheval - Bien être-cheval -balade mer & campagne- -Elevage-

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Je me présente, Virginie, Diplômée d'état en équitation, ( BEES) j'ai fait l'expérience de tenir rapidement mon propre centre équestre durant plusieurs années à Villerville, par la suite j'ai entrainé les chevaux de courses à l'hippodrome de DEAUVILLE, après quelques années j'ai acquis 6 Ha sur la commune de GLANVILLE à 10 mn de DEAUVILLE, pour élever mes chevaux, les débourrer et les préparer, est né le DOMAINE DE L'ATLAS aujourd'hui labélisé par la FFE :

Passionnée de chevaux et expérimentée, aujourd'hui je vous accueille avec vos chevaux pour des pensions à la carte, un jour, une semaine, un mois, une année, pension box, pension travail, pension coaching, si vous n'êtes que de passage, vous pouvez être logé en chambre d'hôte, airb&b proche du DOMAINE DE L'ATLAS.

Vous souhaitez découvrir les chevaux vous pouvez également séjourner et venir faire une balade à cheval, 1h, 2h,4h ou bien une randonnée à cheval d'une journée complète avec pique nique organisé par le Domaine de l'Atlas, je me ferais un plaisir de vous faire découvrir la campagne du Pays d'auge, des sentiers balisés nous permettent d'aller jusqu' à la plage de Deauville.

Vous souhaitez découvrir, approfondir votre vous intérieur, venez découvrir les ateliers, découvrez le langage des chevaux, vous saurez apprécier leurs murmures pour un bien être quotidien.

Balade campagne , balade à la mer,  randonnée d'une ou plusieurs journées nuitée en gite de charme à votre convenance.


countryside walks, sea and countryside hikes

Departing from the Domaine de l'Atlas, walk to discover the Pays d'Auge, route by marked trails, discovery of rural villages, eco-tourism, well-being, dream vacation.


From Monday to Friday horse riding course immersed in nature, lessons, walks, hikes, aerobatics, driving, dinner and evening by the campfire, night in TIPI


COMMUNICATION - TRUST - DEVELOPMENT For all groups of people, COMPANIES, FAMILIES, FRIENDS, COUPLES For anyone looking for WELL-BEING: - Get to know themselves better and better understand their way of interacting with others by becoming aware of their emotional impact. - Develop self-confidence and charisma. - Improve stress management and management of emotions. - Develop relational intelligence and emotional intelligence. - Better manage stress and fears.

A la carte pension

Would you like to come and enjoy the Pays d'Auge, or the Côte Fleurie, take your horse outdoors in the countryside or to the sea, come and work your horse on the DOMAINE DE L'ATLAS facilities for a day, a weekend, if you you want charming accommodation close to the Estate.


Horseback riding discovery of a charming Norman Village and its history

Discovery and crossing of Beaumont en auge, a Norman village, accessible by path of the Pays d'Auge to discover sumptuous Norman panoramas, heritage as well as the beautiful Norman cows. 2.5 hours of horseback riding for all levels.

Nuitée en TIPI pour 2, 3 personnes

Vous désirez séjourner au domaine de l’atlas simplement pour une nuit et pouvoir apprécier le calme, la nature tout simplement, en famille, en couple entre amis, amies n’hésitez pas à nous contacter

Randonnée en étoile à la carte


Norman village and its history

Discovery and crossing of Beaumont en auge, Norman village, accessible by the pays d'auge path to discover sumptuous Norman panoramas, heritage as well as the beautiful Norman cows.

Gourmet horseback ride for 3 hours accompanied by local tasting

horseback riding, hiking in the countryside with sumptuous Norman panoramas, apple juice tastings, cider tasting, local cheese tasting, evaluated on natural and local products


The Domaine de l'Atlas prepares you for the profession of Equestrian Tourism Guide. Discovering, on horseback, the natural and historical heritage of a region is a multi-faceted activity that our 6-month training will lead you to master: preparing itineraries, creating your own tourist products, organizing logistics, ensuring security, animation Thanks to our trainers recognized in their profession, you will integrate all the skills necessary to work in an Equestrian Tourism Center or to create your own structure.

The HORSE Adventure

It is a timeless moment that will have beneficial repercussions on your daily life. Awareness is done gently and with kindness thanks to the horse.

EVJF & EVG sportif jusqu'à 12 personnes

You want to share a sporting and relaxing activity with friends, come and take a horseback ride in the heart of the Pays d'Auge, in a timeless place, 10 minutes from the Normandy coast, horseback riding in the countryside with sumptuous Norman panorama of a full hour, walk of a full hour, two hours of sports activity to allow you to relax and appreciate the different perspectives, panoramic discovery of one of the most beautiful villages in France, historical explanation.


Recharge your batteries to flourish, relax, refocus In a magnificent rural setting in total immersion with nature: AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOURSELF. The workshops: - BREATHING. - QI GONG (physical practice for well-being). -WALK IN FULL CONSCIOUSNESS. -WORKSHOP WITH THE HORSE (become aware of your emotions and learn to manage them). - Horse ride. - Listen to nature with yourself. All our packages include room and board. STUDIO (sleeping with the horses). REFUGE THE BLUE MOON. (cozy place all in natural wood). TIPI.

Se reconnecter à soi: ressourcez- vous en pleine Nature avec ou sans le cheval.
Se ressourcer pour s'épanouir , se poser, se recentrer
Dans un cadre champetre magnifique en immersion totale avec la nature : 
Les ateliers : 
- QI GONG (pratique physique pour le bien etre).
-ATELIER AVEC LE CHEVAL (prendre concience de ses emotions et apprendre à les gerer).
- Balade à cheval.
- Ecoute de la nature avec soi.

Toutes nos formules comprennent le gite et le couvert.
STUDIO (dormir avec les chevaux).
 REFUGE LA LUNE BLEUE. (lieu douillet  tout en bois naturel).
Découverte, initiation, jusqu'au galop 4, du lundi au vendredi, 5 jours 4 nuits en TIPI.
Chaque cavalier s'occupera d'un cheval durant son séjour ; cheval qu'il aura choisi durant la première journée.

Déroulé d'une journée type encadrée par Virginie et Ryme.
8h30 dejeuner
*9h aller chercher son cheval au paddock, le nourrir, lui faire son pansage et le bichonner, le préparer puis 1h30 à cheval en carriere.
- mise en selle, PTV (parcour en terrain varié), travail sur le plat, jeu.
remettre le cheval au box lui donner des carrottes et aller dejeuner.
13h30 preparation pour partir en balade durant 1h30, apprendre à se reperer, decouverte de la nature, explication de la faune et la flore... retour au domaine de l'atlas, detente et gouter pour chevaux et cavaliers.( douche avec les chevaux, leurs faire manger de l'herbe...)
17h au choix voltige, attelage ou travail a pied
18h soin des chevaux
douche, diner, veillée autour du feu et nuit en tipi.

Dernier jour : randonnée départ 10h et retour 15h30.



3h hike from the countryside to the beach

  • This hike includes. - Departure from the Domaine de l'Atlas through the countryside. - Arrival at the beach, Route on the beach: from Villers sur mer to Deauville to enjoy long gallops, enjoy walking the horses in the water, a feeling of guaranteed freedom. - Return to the Domaine de l'Atlas by truck.

Gourmet hike for 3 hours with tasting of local products

  • 3-hour gourmet horseback ride in the countryside with sumptuous Norman panoramas. Departure from the Domaine de l'Atlas towards the cherry farm to taste apple juice and naturally made cider, explanation of how it is made and visit if desired. Return to the Atlas estate for cheese tasting. Access is via small roads and Normandy trails.

2.5 hours of horseback riding for all levels, discovery of a charming Norman village and its history

  • 9:00 a.m. arrival, friendly welcome around a drink offered by the Atlas domain Departure at 10:00 a.m. from the Atlas domain Destination Beaumont en trough and discovery of its history. Stop on the square to admire the view of the Touques valley Possibility to drink and eat (at your expense) Visit to the village Crossing the village towards the Drumard woods, crossing a stream where we can let our companions drink, discovery of the trails and paths of the Pays d'Auge Explanation and discovery of the Norman houses Return 12:30 p.m. to the Domaine de l'Atlas (possibility of tasting the Terroir) From the top of its 90 meters, Beaumont-en-Auge was torn apart by invasions and religious wars, but it also played an important role in the history of France. Before the Christian era, the Celts who populated Normandy must have occupied this easily defensible peak. The Saint-Sauveur de Beaumont church dates back to the Carolingian era, in 847. The Beaumont priory was founded in 1060 giving the village a regional stature. Beaumont's peak was reached during the years 1776-1792 when its royal college, a military school, trained great minds like Pierre-Simon de Laplace, a native of Beaumont, the most famous.

Countryside hike 2 hours passing through Norman Village

  • This hike includes: Crossing the village of Beaumont en auge, passing through the wood of Drumard, passing through the plain, sumptuous Norman panoramas

Collective ride for novices and beginners on horseback.

  • Walk per person. Briefing, choice of helmet, basic explanation. 1 hour on horseback.

Horseback riding in the countryside at three paces

  • Horseback ride at three paces lasting approximately 1h20


  • Recharge your batteries to flourish, relax, refocus In a magnificent rural setting in total immersion with nature: AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOURSELF.

The HORSE Adventure

  • CONSULT US possible formula: For individuals 1H30, half day, weekend day For companies: on estimate

Nuitée en TIPI



  • One hour of horse riding in the countryside with sumptuous Norman panoramas, from 8 people, sports activity, horse riding and walking without price modification.


  • COURSE from Monday to Friday, discovery, initiation, up to galloping level 4 in total immersion in nature, riding day, career, PTV, aerobatics, driving, work on foot, and hiking, day in the countryside, dinner and evening by the campfire and night in a teepee.


  • From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, one hour of lessons, one hour of horseback riding and theory in practice throughout the morning

Ultra Comfort Pension

  • This pension includes: - Pension box + outing to the paddock during the day 7 days a week + unlimited hay + minus 30% on the 10-hour lesson card. Opportunity to participate in all the walks organized by the Atlas estate.

Premium pension.

  • This pension includes: - Box pension + paddock outing every day + horse/rider coaching 3 sessions per week. Access to walks organized by the Domaine de l'Atlas. Less 30% on the 10 hour card.

Temporary pension

  • This pension includes: - Daily pension - Food adapted to your horse - Box made every day - Hay and water at will. - Access to the facilities.

Randonnée en étoile 2 jours 1 nuit en TIPI pour 2 personnes

  • Domaine de l'Atlas, 197 chemin du calvaire
  • 14950 Glanville, France